A Green Philosophy

Our environmental policy is one of the key points that differentiate us from our competitors, and it contributes to improving our image towards customers worldwide.
In the last decade we made important investments with a special focus on sustainability and we now operate with new technologies that drastically reduce the energy consumption when compared to traditional ones.


A sustainable production model

Having as an objective to minimize our carbon footprint on the Planet, we decided to organize the entire daily working routine of our enterprise following the principles of a green philosophy:
the LED lighting system in our workshop, the use of recycled carton for boxes and packaging, our electrical and energy-saving forklifts, the digitalization of the whole manufacturing process to reduce printed sheets, the filtering systems for dust created in cutting processes, our wooden packaging that we reuse and recycle, these are only some of the efforts we make every day towards a better future of our environment.

Renewable energy:

our 1MW power photovoltaic plant produces the majority of the energy we need and it avoids the emission of over 500 tons of Carbon Dioxide every year in the atmosphere

Energy consumption reduction

our latest CO2 and Fiber laser cutting machines, bought with the help of Regione Piemonte (POR/FESR 2007/2013) ensure a higher precision in our cutting operations and a low consumption in electrical energy.

Our commitment


For sport


To the community


To Art

Our Commitment – To the Environment